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mohon saran rekan2 dan senior semua,
PPh 21 masa statusnya LB, tapi ketika mau bentuk file csv itu slalu gagal.. ada yg pernah ngalamin atau tau solusinya?
terima kasih
- Originaly posted by gtx19:
PPh 21 masa statusnya LB, tapi ketika mau bentuk file csv itu slalu gagal.. ada yg pernah ngalamin atau tau solusinya?
Di peringatan tulisannya apa rekan? Biasa nya kalo gagal ada pemberitahuannya gagal karena apa
- Originaly posted by yuddhaaa:
Di peringatan tulisannya apa rekan? Biasa nya kalo gagal ada pemberitahuannya gagal karena apa
unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quit, the application will close immediately
input string was not in a correct format - Originaly posted by gtx19:
unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quit, the application will close immediately
input string was not in a correct formatCoba di instal Crystal Report nya rekan jika memang belum ada, jika sudah ada sebelumnya, coba di instal ulang.
- Originaly posted by gtx19:
unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quit, the application will close immediately
input string was not in a correct formatini biasanya terjadi pas print preview laporan dan crystal report nya gk cocok, coba rekan install ulang crystal report nya.
sama pastikan format . (titik) dan , (koma di windows rekan cocok dengan format espt